5 Common Factors That Draw A Wedge Between Couples

5 Common Factors That Draw A Wedge Between Couples

Identify and Overcome Issues That Can Drive a Wedge Between Couples

The glitzy world of social media is filled with pictures of happy couples madly in love, living the ideal life. However, don’t be fooled by all happy pictures because, behind the lens, all couples fight, disagree, and face conflicting situations. Wedge Between Couples or Conflicts is a very natural part of any human relationship, even if two individuals are head over heels in love with each other.

However, certain factors can be detrimental to a relationship’s health and drive couples apart. In this article, we will explore the five most common situations that can have negative consequences for your relationship if not handled mindfully. 

Reduced Intimacy

  • Sexual, physical, intellectual, and emotional intimacy are the catalysts for the blooming of a romantic relationship. While the frequency and intensity of intimacy fluctuate from time to time, a prolonged lack of intimacy drives couples apart, and they start to feel frustrated with each other.

With reduced intimacy, individuals merely coexist rather than having a fulfilling and nurturing relationship. Eventually, the gap widens to the extent where all love is lost, and individuals decide to call it quits. 

Resentment Due to Unfulfilled Emotional Needs

  • Love, companionship, understanding, and empathy are the cornerstones of a healthy relationship. They nurture the mind and soul. However, when one partner does not receive love, care, and empathy, their emotional needs remain unfulfilled. They yearn for understanding, appreciation, sympathy, words of affirmation, and companionship.

Most individuals don’t communicate their feelings of hurt and dissatisfaction to their partner. However, over time, due to continuous negligence, resentment starts to build up, often spilling over into fights over the smallest issues. Resentment due to unfulfilled emotional needs usually causes irreparable damage between couples.  

Imbalanced Power Dynamics

  • In almost every relationship, one person is the leader and decision-maker, and the other person follows. However, things take a nasty turn when one person holds too much power and does not value the feelings and opinions of their partner. Feeling superior to your partner, undervaluing their emotions, and seeking power and control creates an imbalance and leads to unhealthy power dynamics in a relationship. 

While your partner may tolerate this situation for a while, ultimately, they will seek their freedom and break up with you.

Difference of Opinion

  • Relationships are often tested when partners have to make important life decisions such as moving to another city, making a career shift, managing their finances, buying a home, etc. Partners don’t always agree on everything and can have vastly different opinions about the same matter. 

Only the strongest couples know how to navigate the difficult terrain of diverging values and find an amicable solution that is acceptable to both. 

Passing The Blame GameA Wedge Between Couples - bloommatchmaking

  • Challenging situations such as health issues, financial setbacks, loss of employment, investment failure, etc, are part and parcel of life. These challenging situations can cause significant tension between couples, and sometimes, people start to blame their partner for everything that went wrong. Passing the blame on one another and not owning up to their mistakes causes a significant rift between couples. Even once the situation has diffused and things are back to normal, couples find it difficult to get past the hurtful sentiments and continue an amicable relationship.

Empathy, love, active listening, and respect are the best ways to handle conflicts in a relationship. Alongside, couples counseling and relationship guidance can do wonders as well.

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