3 Big Reasons Why Relationships Fail and Tips To Avoid Them

reasons why relationships fail

How to avoid relationship pitfalls – The 3 key reasons why relationships fail

More and more relationships are coming to every single day. But why does this trend continue to rise? We talked to a couple of America’s best matchmakers and dating coaches to find out why a modern relationship usually fails.

According to Bloom Matchmaking, a company dedicated to helping singles find the perfect partner through their matchmaking platform believes falling in love is easy but making the relationship last is difficult.

Things usually look good in the beginning but after a few days, or weeks have passed, it slowly starts to fall apart with each passing day and couples are unable to understand why. To help you realize why this happens, we have compiled a list of big reasons why relationships don’t work.

There’s a Lack of Trust

  • The lack of trust in a relationship is one of the biggest reasons why so many relationships do not last. It can be anything from a small doubt to a physical affair or something else. If these trust issues are not resolved, the problem grows deeper and it results in a breakup.

How to Fix Trust Issues

  • The first and foremost thing to do is to be honest and truthful with your partner to avoid any unnecessary suspicion by them. The second is to be open with them at all times. Always be transparent with your feelings and thoughts.

If you feel something that needs to be discussed with your partner, talk about it – don’t keep it to yourself. For a relationship to be successful, trust must constantly evolve and developed amongst the couples, not just when things are going bad.

Compatibility Problems

  • Compatibility is also a big reason why a relationship may break up. In order for a strong bond, both partners have to be compatible with each other because it is one of the foundations of a solid relationship.

Some couples continue to live together but there is visible compatibility issues within them. No matter how hard they try to get along, compatibility will always come in the way.

How to Fix Compatibility Issues in a Relationship

  • It is near impossible to find a partner that shares the exact same tastes as you. There is no single person on this planet that will be completely compatible with you. The sooner you realize this, the better.

What you need to do is to encourage each other’s interests and try hard to remember the likes and dislikes of your partner. Don’t restrict your loved one just because they have a habit you find uninteresting.

  • You can only fix this problem if you fully accept your partner and step out of your comfort zone and cherish the person he/she is.

Lack of Communication

  • why relationships failCommunication is another big reason why relationships fall apart. Poor communication leads to misunderstandings and conflicts between the couple that typically results in a breakup. Conflicts are very common in a relationship, but what is important is to resolve it as soon as the two of you can by talking to each other openly.

How to Fix Communication Issues in a Relationship

  • Realize the fact that a lot of people are not good at communicating or may not be as good as you are. It is important to control the tone of speech and be kind in your words. Try to convey your feelings in an effective way that does not disrupt the peace.

Speaking to your partner on a daily basis is very important. Only this way the two of you can develop a communication pattern that both of you are comfortable with.

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